Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sick squeak squawk

I am sick. Not fair :(

Nick has gone out to buy me more drugs- bless him. The drugs I have must be working, because when I speak, the only ones to hear pain are those listening to me. My throat is nicely anaesthetised, but I sound AWFUL. Really awful. I've taken to using mime based sign language instead. Then I look completely stupid, so I've taken to staying in bed.

This is not fair. I think I caught cold at Christmas (when I insisted on wearing my pretty summer dress saved for the day, even though it was the coldest Melbourne Christmas on record). Now, with a New Year's Party at our house tomorrow night, I cannot speak, and I have very little energy. This sucks.

Speaking of NYE, does anyone know the best way to secure a piece of string to a skull? Eh, never mind... I'll explain later.

1 comment:

  1. :(:(:( about being sick

    :):):) for NYE party!

    Get better soon xx
