Friday, January 05, 2007

I don't do resolutions.

Consider this my obligatory New Year's resolutions post. However, I don't do resolutions. I think that if you make a resolution, you leave yourself more open to breaking it, hence the thing you resolve to do is less likely to be an attainable goal, even if it should be attainable.

I make plans. This way, I am already part way to achieving my goals. Happily, my plans were also already underway before New Year's had hit, making them more achievable :)

- Plan #1: Travel lots.
After the failure that was Indonesia, I swore I would travel this year, at least enough that I felt I had not wasted my 12 months travel insurance. Plan underway. I am flying to New Zealand this week (!) and Europe in April (!!). This plan is making me very, very poor, and meaning I have to sacrifice things I'd like to do in Melbourne in order to feel somewhat financially secure. But I am certain it is worth it.

- Plan # 2: Improve general health
Plan underway. I have a swim membership, and of course I'm doing swing dancing when classes come back. We've already got a provate lesson booked to brush up on technique, and then we're moving into the next level :) I am also considering taking up belly dancing again, and I am keen to find out if there are kick boxing classe sin my area. Phew, that's three classes a week, plus swimming! Busy Nomi! I also plan to make more snacks from vegetables (it is SO hard to eat the recommended number of veges a day). I'll talk to my vego friends about this. I am extra inspired to achieve this goal, as it links into the job I have semi-lined up post Europe, teaching healthy lifestyle in primary schools.

- Plan #3: Get back into teaching
Plan vaguely planned out... I have the KidzBodz job fairly well lined up. I'm also going to look into teaching in NT again, for 2008. This follows having received two calls from NT schools enquiring about my 2007 availabilities.

- Plan #4: Learn more
Plan vaguely underway... I know what I want to learn! I plan to do a short course in Spanish pre-Europe (depending on finances), and a wine tasting course post- Europe. I'd also like to do a coffee making course, not that I really plan to become a barista, but I just think it'd be cool to know how to make good coffee.

- Plan #5: Write more
Plan vaguely underway... Thanks to extra inspiration in the form of xmas gifts (a book of travel stories and a travel journal), I plan to write about my forays into the big, wide world. Also, if I get an ABN for the KidzBodz job, I figure I can buy my own laptop and claim it on tax, so I'll be able to more effectively participate in NaNoWriMo this year (rather than tag-teaming with Nick on the computer)

- Plan # 6: Be happy
Plan firmly underway. I figure that any of the above plans will contribute to my general happy state. Yay. That, and lots of chocolate. Yay :) :) :)


  1. Snacks from vegetables: ginger broccoli, sweet potato with sultanas, eggplant chips, mushroom pies. Vegetables are yum!

  2. Anonymous9:50 am

    Oooh, mushroom pies. Sounds like something I can make for breakfast today. Yum..... And I love eggplant chips. Also good are sweet potato crisps (thin crunchy chips as compared to fat, soft-inside, crunchy-outside eggplant chips). Now I want veges. Good job, Lise!
