So that's it. Christmas done. Despite the exhaustion from the insane running around I undertook on Christmas Day (Kew - Ringwood - Moorloobark - Bentleigh via partial diversion to Kew - Berwick - Kew via diversion to Resrvoir), as well as a few Xmasy outings on other days, I had a really good Christmas. It was great to see everyone, some really great presents and lots ( AND LOTS) of delicious food. I swear, after eating Christmas lunch followed in quick succession by Christmas dinner, I looked a little pregnant (with a food baby). Ah well, if you can't pig out at Christmas, when can you?
*sigh* The giraffe job (KidzBodz, teaching health at primary schools) has been postponed. The managers were planning to hire me, then replace me for the term I will be in Europe, but apparantly this was a logistical nightmare. Instead, they have made an employment file for me, and promised that if I contact them when I return from Europe, they will get me work, because they love me. Aw. Hope that happens! I am so keen to do this job - dressing up and singing and dancing for little kids? Sounds AWESOME. *ahem* Sorry, let me just compose myself.
Very happy, because when I booked all my train tickets for Europe last week, I forgot to book my return ticket from Paris - London. The sale on Eurostar was supposed to finish Dec 22, but luckily the website had not been updated (ha ha ha) and on Boxing Day I was able to book my train ticket for the special price :) Yay. So soon my tickets should arrive in the mail. How exciting.
It is only two weeks until I go to New Zealand, and about three months until Europe. Seriously, how jealous are you? This is SO exciting!!!!!!!!!! :) I can't wait. Weeehhhh.-
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
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yeah so it turns out i actually am having a food baby.
ReplyDeleteYesterday and today i had extreme cases of morning sickness, even looking at food made me want to vom. I think an overload of christmas food wasnt the best idea, now i just havn't eaten for 2 days. but also no work.
love you num xoxo
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