Monday, November 14, 2011

It is true.

I have become shit at blogging. Life takes up so much damn time.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The New Blog

So this year looks set to be a big one. I'm teaching VCE Drama for only the second time (with a HUGE class), and I'm co-ordinating Year 8s. All this is likely to threaten my relaxation time, so I decided to 'schedule' a minimum by making it my NY Resolution to read the 2010 and 2011 Man Booker Prize Shortlists. If all goes really well, I'll also read the Cheltenham Booker Prize Shortlists, which are awarded retrospectively to books written 50 years ago. I figured, to keep me honest, that I'd blog about the books here, like a mini book club (albeit lonelier).

Friday, July 03, 2009

Biting the Big Apple

There are people waiting for the computer (even at 1.30am- the city that never sleeps), so I'm just going to do a quick run down of my last few days. More embellished blogs later- maybe.

Monday- flying. More flying. More flying. Business class upgrade- woot. Arrival. Walking in Times Square- woah. Hot Dog. Sleeeeeep.

Tuesday- Visited Rockefeller Plaza. Camera batteries died, so I returned to hotel. Yeah, good first day planning :P So I ran errands- picking up broadway tickets, getting subway tickets etc. Collected camera. Got chilli for lunch from a vendor. Took it to Central Park to eat it. Watched squirrels. Hula hooped with a busker (or tried) and am subsequently in a bunch of tourists' photos. Saw the area where John Lennon was shot. Returned to hotel to find my cousin was delayed and not arriving til the next day. Saw 'In The Heights' on Broadway, which was in-fricking-credible (all hip hop and Latin music and dancing. Wow). Trekked out to Chinatown for dinner. It was all asleep. City that never sleeps, my ass. The only food I found was shit. Boo.

Wednesday- Rhiannon arrives in the morning. She is sleepy so I head out alone. Empire State Building- pretty wow. Greenwich Village for Jude Law spotting and New York Pizza- yum. WTC site- not much there. Financial districts- extremely cool buildings, churches, place where Washington was inaugurated. WTC museum. Night bus tour of New York and parts of Brooklyn- Shiny. M&Ms world- chocolatey.

Thursday- New York Public Library- big, marbley, smells like books, not many aliens. Beers in Bryant Park listening to piano. Walk down 42nd Street to the pier. Rain. Lots of rain. Boat cruise to see the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan-from-water - very cool. Learned that the financial district of Manhattan is actually Gotham City!!! Many photos. Hid from rain in crap diner. Wandered Hell's Kitchen a little. More rain. End up in Hell's Kitchen for dinner and drinks at an awesome Turkish restaurant and a cool cocktail bar respectively.

Friday and Saturday (Independence Day) to go and then it's off to Toronto. Hopefuly I'll have a chance to better check out Central Park, Greenwich Village and China Town, explore Harlem, SoHo and Chelsea, and see a museum or two. There's just not enough time!!! IT'S SO BIG!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New York, New York

I'm here! After 28 hours of travel since leaving home, I have been in New York for 3 hours. In this time I have: eaten a hot dog; seen navy dudes; been utterley overwhelmed by the sheer LIGHT of Times Square; walked 42nd Street; 5th Avenue; crossed Madison Avenue; seen the Chrysler Building; and learned that the police station in Times Square has a flashing pink and blue neon sign;

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Oh dear, oh dear. It would appear that ocne again I have lapsed in my blogging. I guess I should face the truth- my facebook statuses (stati?) have overtaken blogging in my life. It's a good thing I don't Tweet, or I'd never write on this damn blog.

Anyway, the pattern seems to be that I blog when a) I'm on school holidays or b) I am travelling. And hurrah, very soon I'll be doing both simultaneously. I'm one day into school holidays (woot!) and one day away from overseas travel.

Yes, on a crazy and unaffordable whim I am heading to America. Who would have thought I would EVER go to America, but now that it's imminent I am enormously excited! After an argument/bet with Nick about how cheap flights were (he won), I booked myself flights to visit New York and Toronto (where my cousin is on exchange and my travel friend Dave is soon to be married).

And so, I find myself about 36 hours away from a 23 hour travel stint. And I just cant wait :) Thanks to all of my wonderful friends and family, by the way, who have ensured I have broadway shows and attraction passes prepared, and lots of exciting experiences to look forward to it. I'M GOING TO NEW YORK!!