Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Concert review(s)

Kylie was spectacular.

Robbie was f*cking awesome.

Oh, ok, I'll say some more. I loved both these shows. People keep asking me which was better, but I think they were such different shows that it's hard to compare.

Kylie was actually A Spectacular (noun, as opposed to adjective)- amazing costumes and dancers and set. You were watching a full stage show, not just a single performer. And the crows were completely flamboyant too, so many people dressed up purty. Kylie's show was emotional because she'd been sick, yada yada, and it was the last of her Homecoming tour in her home town. Aw. Imo and I managed to sneak ourselves up to the stage area for the second half and it was SO MUCH FUN. And I got on the big screen... because I was standing behind flamboyantly dressed people... Still, it seems to be my week for being on screen. Apparently I was on Channel Nine news last Thursday, counting votes.

Robbie's show had the most amazing energy! He is such a performer, the whole time. It was great to jump and shout, and it was such a huge crowd (66,500), so it was fantastic to be a part of. He was also emotional, as he's been touring for 11months or something, and last night was the last show of his world tour. Awesome. My favourite thing about Robbie's music is that it's credible pop music. Robbie is nothing like the boyband stereotype pop singer (even thought he was one, and crows about his boyband past); he's rude, crude and, in his words, 'not a role model.' He's essentially the Anti-Pop. And if a guy like that can write pop music, surely it's fine to like it. He validates his own music. Cool.

Sadly, there was no cross pollination between Robbie's and Kylie's shows (ie either of them gracing the other's concert with their presence), but both of them sang Kids (their duet), Kylie with her sister Dannii (which my sister hated, and my brother loved), and Robbie with a bevvy of backing singers who were not as cool as Kylie.

And that was that. Now I have to work very hard to pay my sister back all the money she lent me to go to these two awesome concerts. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. On TV twice in one week? Live off your fame! Haha - if only. I'm overtired so might be talking nonsense.
