Monday, July 30, 2007

Such a chore

Everyone has at least one form of housework they really despise. Not the general feeling of annoyance related to cleaning tasks; I mean really, actively loathing a particular chore. For me, this is the cleaning the floors. I will scrub the shower, wash the clothes and quite cheerfully plunge my hand into soapy dishwater (sans washing up gloves. Gloves are for nancies). But sweeping? Mopping? Do I HAVE TO????

Even vacuuming. Most people, forced into household tasks, will jump onto the vacuuming. Not me. The only reason I vacuum at all is because we have a particularly cool vacuum cleaner with lots of flashy lights and super strong suck function.

In every house I have lived, it has been someone else's job to clean the floor. I will take on all sorts of disgusting jobs, such as cleaning the toilet and the grouting in the shower, as long as it is not my job to mop. In our present house, it's normally Nick's job, as he's more sensitive to the dust than I (oh, dusting, that's another job I hate. WHY do people give nick-nacks? They serve no purpose EXCEPT TO COLLECT DUST! I hate ornaments almost as much as I hate mopping).

Having grudgingly noticed the increasing disgrace into which my house has sunk since Nick went away last week, I set aside today for cleaning. Not that I got anything done before 3pm. Far more important to finish my book, watch a few episodes of 'Love my Way' while eating toast and drinking tea. At this point I dressed myself in clothes far too tragic to be seen by the general public. After bashing out a few emails, I got myself organised and somewhat motivated, and am proud to announce that (punctuated by stints reading the paper, contacting schools, eating popcorn (gosh those microwave bags of popcorn are rip offs. What kind of idiot would pay $1.50 for 10cents worth of popcorn kernels? Oh yeah, me...) and looking for new jobs) I have swept, mopped and/ or vacuumed every room in the house. Except my bedroom, that's got too many clothes arranged artfully upon the floor...


  1. Anonymous10:16 am

    I will happily clean your floors if you'd clean my shower

  2. We may well have a deal. Although it would mean I'd have to shower at your house- I tend to clean the shower in stages, while I am showering. Today was the floor, last time the bottom third, previous the top third and curtain/ door. It's an ongoing task!

  3. Anonymous11:00 am

    Bathroom duties were always my duties nuff nuff! How could you not use that fantastic vacuum more oftern - you got all the good stuff! I refuse to do toilet duties... Its not me making the mess, so im sure as hell not cleaning the mess. Ive told you all along - get yourself a 'Steve'... much easier :)
