Monday, April 02, 2007

Alll of Neptune's oceans- rain, rivers and washing water

Oh lord. It's two days out from my departure, and it is gloomy, and my clothes are only just washing now. Will these clothes never be clean? Or more to the point, dry.

Typical. The one nice sunny day we had this week was yesterday. All days prior were rainy, so I didn't wash. And while it was great to see sun yesterday, as it was Picnic Day, it was also the day I had absolutely NO time to wash.

Picnic itself was ACE. Had so many people show up, so many RANDOM people show up. Such as my cousin and his mates on their bikes. I was on the phone to a lost friend (who happened to be at Studley Park Boathouse, down the river, rather than Fairfield Boathouse, where we all were), and noticed a bunch of kids on bikes just sitting in front of our group and looking. It finally registered that I knew one of the kids- not my cousin, mind you, I recognised his mate. Bad cousin, Naomi! Made up for it by feeding the ravenous hoardes and giving them money to go and buy chips. My nana, aunt and uncle also arrived for a while, leaving instructions for contacting my cousin in England, and a responsibility to drive my nana to the airport.

Also had such randoms as Jackie and Lonza from Geelong show up (thanks for making the big drive, guys!), as well as Kat (who I haven't seen since I left for Indonesia and who, it transpires, is living in a tent out the back of a squat. Even thought she has two corporate jobs...) and Dave (who I haven't seen in maybe a year, year and a half, as he teaches in Westernport). Also cool to see so many of the regular gang, especially those of the gang who only irregularly make it to group thangs- Gene, Sares, Dom. It was so much fun. Much eating, much merriment, much crocheting (on the parts of Deb and Sares).

But perhaps the most fun was discovering that I have not taunted away all my boating karma, through many a weekend at the boathouse laughing at people rowing badly- while Marty had been threatening to force me into a boat, and he and Gene both tried to manhandle me at various times during the afternoon (I had to human chain myself to a fence...), in the end I found out the price of rowboat hire. And we did not fall in. Hoorah! This was mostly due to Gene's rowing prowess, Marty a keen second for these honours (I was ok... ). Best part was when, Paul and Rami having bombarded us with rocks from the shore, we made landfall and Marty jumped ashore to attack them. Also amusing were the various encounters with overhanging and submerged branches.

Later that night went blues dancing with Nick, Sai, Imo and surprise inclusions Fy and Ben. While the class wasn't as good as last month (at which my teachers, Noni and Josh, officiated), it was ok, and we all hung around danced socially afterwards- even Ben. The class was taught by Kieran, who is from Geelong, and knows Gene. I have met him before, maybe at a New Year's thing at Gene's aunts? Or Gene's 21st? Or maybe just at swing? I'm not sure, but I re-introduced myself anyway. And the BIG surprise from the night is that Fy and Ben are planning to come monthly to Blues Night. Yay!

Referring back to the blog title, "all of Neptune's oceans" have washed the Scottish Rock Opera from St Martin's... and my life. Now I just need them to wash the songs from my mind. The show improved every night until it was really quite powerful, and we finished with good crowds, three great reviews and an enormous sigh of relief. Bump out only kept me at theatre until 1am, and I am meeting Clarry today to get my cheque.

Now I just have to wash, dry, pack, see family, check my flights, update my tickets, confirm check in time, book flights for the gold coast for later in the year, and other random things I am yet to list- before Wednesday. Sweet (as sweet as "all the perfumes of Arabia"... GO AWAY Scottish play!!!).

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