Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A week of Immigrasi, translasi and broadcast-i...

Wooh. Today I found myself hanging out at Immigrasi, as my boss wants to extend my visa (this is because I haven't told her I am leaving... I'll tell her next week, after I get paid). Immigration is bad enough in Australia, I am led to believe. In Indonesia, where punctuality does not exist, time goes slowly and is considered very flexible. So we arrived at 9.20, filled in forms, and then had to wait a long time (the woman in the office couldn't indicate how long) to see the right person. 45 minutes later, we were in and out in about 5 minutes, with an instruction to return on Friday. Ugh.

So I did the famous thing on Saturday. Ya, me on radio. It was fun. They only played English songs as it was an English program, but I like some Indonesian music too. It's SO energetic, reminding me of the passion of eighties music. The pop is very danceable, and the rock is like Bryan Adams and Bon Jovi in their emotional heydays (which I personally love, being the dork I am). But most is on tape, not CD. I'm hoping to find a few CDs before I return.

I have begun translating Harry Potter 6 from Indonesian to English. I'm about 5 pages in- it is really hard. But it's also HEAPS of fun reading so slowly, because the story is unfolding bit by bit and I am so TENSE to find out what happens next (even though I have read the book in English, I forget the details). Reading it at this excrutiating pace, it is like I am really discovering the story. I don't think I'll finish it before I return, but it's fun anyway.

I am such a seasoned Padang-bule now. I have caught angkot (Tarago mini bus thang) on my own three times (!) and not gotten lost. I get excited when I see a bule, and point at them on the street, because I know they're only turis (tourists). And locals are so surprised at my capacity for chilli (so am I sometimes)- I out-chillied a Minang last week, eating fish. Hmm, actually this seems familiar as I type it, maybe I wrote that in my last blog. Oh well, I'm proud of it. :)

Hmmm, I can't believe the net is holding out so long. Oops, hope I don't jinx it by saying that! Better go and check emails while I still can.

P.S. Things I REALLY miss right now, apart from all of you, of course: western toilets; hot water; showers; decent chocolate; decent tea (I have discovered decent coffee, mercifully, and I LOVE Teh Es, a sweet black tea which you can get bottled, or at roadside stalls with cute cartoon cups); the OC; and my osteopath- someone crack my back, puh-LEASE!


  1. I've spent five separate mornings trying to get my residency card and now have another meeting scheduled for the beginning of October. There's at least a one hour wait before being able to speak to any kind of receptionist who then tells me to arrange a meeting or wait in another line somewhere else. My pain is greater than yours.

  2. Oh honey, you're in France. Of course beurocratical (so painful I can't spell it) pain is greater! Here, it takes a while, but not only is time relaxed, so are rules. If you want something, just bribe them. I feel for you.

    Are you still smelly, Lise?

  3. Not smelly but still luggage-less. British Airways found my backpack, but rather than call me like they were meant to, they sent it back to Melbourne. Why why why?

  4. Anonymous11:29 pm

    Hey chick!
    How you doing? Me = ok!
    Got me a temping job for 2 weeks at Buxton Real Estate Elsternwick in Advertising, which could be ok... just 4 hrs a day/4 days per week, but better than nothing!
    Now signed up with 3 recruitment comps for temping & fulltime work, so *fingers crossed* should get some work soon>ish? :)
    Hello 4 more sleeps till bday!!! How excitement... whats my pressie from you? LOL ~ JUST KIDDING! (A lion cub will be fine!)
    Ooookay im off on my way, chat soonish!
    Love me Xx

  5. Ooooh! I miss my osteopath too... stupid back problems.

  6. Lisa- WHAT???!!!

    Oh duh, Oscar. I can't get you a lion cub. I'm in Sumatera, it's TIGERS here! P.S. Wait and see.

    S- right there with you on the mutual ouch- and how is Ramadhan effecting you?
