Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I've been thinking...

I've been thinking about articles and men's magazines. No, not those men's magazines (I only read them for the articles), I mean men's mags that actually have articles, like Ralph (Maybe) or Men's Health. Sometimes I think these mags simply publish articles for their potential in pictures. I'm reading an old issue of Men's Health (Refer to previous blog for my desperation for anything in English) and there is an article about employing martial arts strategies in the workplace. Interesting article, but I can't help but think they mostly wanted to do the article (and certainly gave it such a large spread) because of the Matrix style photos they could do of blokes in suits kung fu-ing each other's asses above their workspaces. I seem to recal Nick mentioning he felt some men's mags only did fashion pages so they could send guys to cool locations and show them setting up tents, or skateboarding down a banister or something equally interesting in the photo; the clothes were rarely the focus.

Anyway, that's all. I was reading the article over my dinner, as I broke my fast (yes! 14 hours! I made it! It wasn't that bad, really...), and the thought occurred to me. With no-one to whom to discuss this, I thought I'd float the idea and see if it got any bites...


  1. Anonymous9:10 am

    Men's magazines have articles? I only read them for the naked ladies...

  2. Anonymous12:04 pm

    Ralph is mostly about having pictures with silly captions, as I remember. And girls in bikinis (sometimes with silly captions too). Interestingly enough, the magazine most often at the butt of the "I read it for the articles" jokes, Playboy, actually did used to have more worthwhile articles than Ralph et al do today. Its fiction section helped launch the career of a lot of writers, especially in science fiction. (Rami, you can stop giggling because I used the word butt now.)

  3. Anonymous2:13 pm

    tee hee...nick said butt...

  4. I'm with Nick on this one, after all my favourite author (that'd be Mr Gaiman) got a fair bit of attention after some of his short stories and articles were published in a "men's' magazine that is no longer in print. With Men's magazines still had great sci-fi/fantasy stories... or stories in general... the old ones were so much more interesting than the women's mags.

  5. Yeah, I have other concerns now. I am regretting not having exchanged "floating it and see if I get any bites" for a far superior phrase: "leave it on the stoop and see if the cat licks it up."

    If you know what I mean, well, yoiu know who you are. Yeah. Eloquent. And I'm not even fasting today... Oh Ram, I'll be fasting on Monday too, I shall share your pain. My students and I will break the fast together (I complained about breaking the fast alone), but apparently they'll only do this if I actually fast. Sticklers.

  6. Anonymous10:04 am

    ^ or you could have "raised it up the flag pole to see if anyone sulutes"

    and regarding fasting - I seem to have caught my dad's cold, and if I'm still sick on monday I can always use the "I'm too sick to fast loophole"

  7. Yeah, the 'too sick to fast' excuse also washes here... but you then owe Allah the number of fast days you missed, and have to pay them back over the next year...

  8. Anonymous10:29 am

    Because I fasted and atoned on Yom Kippur even thought I'm not Jewish, I'm now in credit!! I guess I can do some evil things and get away with it...
