Sunday, December 21, 2008

Creeping on up

Oh look, reports are finished ( in fact, term is finished) and I haven't yet blogged. Oops. I think facebook actually makes me very lazy about blogging, as I figure with a status update I have kept people in the loop that is my life. 

And so, here we are; almost Christmas, which means almost the end of the year. My final weeks of school were so hectic (reports, followed by senior transition, followed by junior transition, followed by packing and relocating my desk, followed by celebrating the end of term) that I've barely had time to keep up with things winding down. And now Christmas peers over my shoulder. Where'd you come from?

The best part about the end of this year is that, for the first time ever, I am being paid for Summer Holidays. Honestly, it makes them SO much more exciting. Having the time to sit and read, or watch movies, or drink coffee, or even CLEAN is given that little bit of extra lustre through being a financed activity. In fact, these are my first Work Free Summer Holidays in TEN YEARS.

Here are my planned holiday activities. (I wish I could put tick boxes next to each item and mark them off as I do them)
- Read the following books for school purposes: "Dinner at the homesick restaurant"; "The Bridge to Wiseman's Cove"; "Shogun"; various stuff on Japanese religions/ shinto/ buddhism/ confucianism.
- Read some other books for pleasure.
- Watch the following films for school purposes: "Witness"; "Look Both Ways"; "Spirited Away/ extra features"; "Tuck Everlasting".
- Watch lots of old films I have been meaning to see for years.
- Use up some of my free movie vouchers :)
- Watch all the rest of Buffy and Angel DVDs I've borrowed from Rami
- Dance lots
- Take up kickboxing (again) or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Or pilates (again)
- Catch up with lots of people :)
- Give blood
- Cook lots of yummy food and give dinner parties

Yeah, sounds doable. Wow. I love holidays.


  1. No more blood donating!!!

    I love Spirited Away though :)

  2. No more, no more. I am officially banned by the Blood Bank, even if I WANTED to give blood again!
