Friday, May 18, 2007

Easy pickings

Man, my wallet is SO easy! I don't need to be pick-pocketed to lose all my money...

I remember Nick asking me earlier in my trip if I'd bought very much, to which I responded that I was here for the experience, not the shopping. Yeah, right. So far I have bought:

2 skirts (one in Bordeaux, one in Barcelona)
1 pair of pants
2 scarf/ shawls
1 bracelet
1 pair of earrings
1 bottle of ginja, a liquer made in Lisbon
5 books (I think- one on art 'isms', one on Art Nouveau, one on Lisbon pavement art, 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', a modern Czech/ French novel... I think that's all, but I can't be certain).

And that's not including gifts I have bought, although I'm only doing a few of those- too much to carry. Although I'm hardly limiting myself anyway...

I'm not even being careful with how much I spend any more. Just bought a fantastic skirt, which I loved so much I just went 'Yes! I'll take it!' Then afterwards I thought about the price and went 'Oops.' But it's reversable, and orange, and fabulous. That's ok, isn't it??!! Sigh. I think I might need a second job...

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! My second random person commenting!

    Oh, and I bought another book. But it's about Gaudi and he's fabulous, so that's ok.
