Sunday, February 18, 2007

Let there be rain

Today, it rained. Ever so slightly, but enough to bring the temperature down from the constant 38 degrees Celsius we've been sweltering through the last three days. Currently it is around 26 degrees. Feels almost heavenly.

I know that this is not the first hot summer we've had in Victoria. I can remember the principal 'recommending' we not to attend school due to the 40-plus temperature in about 1999. I can remember doing a little rain dance when long awaited rain arrived in the summer of 2001. But isn't it funny how, no matter how many times you've been through this sort of heat before, it's still exciting when it breaks. I found myself grinning like an idiot as big heavy drops of rain began beating against my windscreen. It was quite funny, as I had driven from a completely dry section of road, to a section which was soaked from recent rain, but hadn't yet encountered any rain yet myself. I almost wondered if my mind was playing tricks. Imagine how excited I'll get when/if this drought ever breaks...

I picked up my panel van thing yesterday, and it's GREAT. It doesn't stall, even when it rightly should! Oh, except for when I'm trying to three-point turn in my driveway under secret observation of Rami and Caroline. In my defence: I have only been learning manual for about a week; my driveway has a totally stupid dip which is tough to navigate even in a familiar car, and which was trapping my poor, defenceless van; and finally, it was Rami and Caroline's fault I stalled. Clearly. Watched pot never boils, etc.

My job is going well. I have completed my training a week early (partially due to the fact that they've got nowhere near enough staff to complete the training in three states...), which means I am on my retainer pay, plus bonus if I see more than 375 kids in a week. Yay! In a fortnight-ish I will be PAID. Wow, it seems like such a long time coming.

My other job is so FRUSTRATING! I just don't care about this play enough to stuff around with journalists/ press releases/ general shitkicking. Especially when my press releases are re-written by drongos who have no concept of spelling, syntax, etc. Ugh. What's the point? This damn profit share had BETTER make some profit. It DOES look to be quite a cool show, so it deserves to do well. But WHY do we have such an enormous, unreachable budget? I really fear we won't break even, which thankfully will not cost us, as the production company is footing the risk, but does mean I'll have donated a lot of begrudging volunteer hours.

Tomorrow is a day off from KidzBodz- which means I can mess around with Macbeth stuff. Like I haven't spent enough of the weekend doing that already. Stuff it all. I'm going back to the couch to watch Nip/ Tuck under the fan. This can all wait. I just DON'T CARE! I just wish I could focus on my new, cool, ENJOYABLE job, and leave the Scottish Play to rot... *sigh* I don't really like Bitter Naomi. But I am SO tired of it all.


  1. Anonymous8:45 am

    it only rained "slightly"?

    not where I was! I was at a wedding at the botanical gardens. the ceremony finished just as some dark clouds began to appear. we all made our way to the reception hall while the bridal party went to have photos taken. about 15min after we got there it started bucketing down. it was almost monsoonal...and it lasted for about 45min.

    it was very amusing watching guest, who didn't get to the reception as quickly as we did, arrive soaking wet! tee hee

  2. Of course there was monsoonal rain where you were Rami, you were at an outdoor wedding! :p

    Good to see the greyness of Melbourne again though. Missed that in Doha.

  3. Rami- gotta agree with Sarah, the monsoonal rain was attracted by the wedding. Only about ten minutes of heavy raindrops in Kew.

    Sarah- You're back! Welcome. It wasn't all grey while you were away. Three straight days of bright, sunny, 38 degrees, girl!
