Monday, June 02, 2008

Funding shortfall

You may know that I am a mentor. Through a welfare organisation called Good Shepherd, I, and other like minded volunteers in the MOOOV program provide a stable adult presence for around 50 disadvantaged young people. Or at least, we did. Today we have had it confirmed that our program is out of funding, both from philanthropic partners and the government. The program has no choice; it is selecting which mentoring matches are to be terminated immediately, and then phasing out all other matches.

This is such a huge disappointment. The program funds the volunteers to meet up with their young person and just 'hang out' for a minimum of an hour a week. Quite often mentors spend a lot more time than this (especially if you count travel time and costs, which are the mentors own costs). But in the end, the benefits are so great that no-one begrudges the time they have put into this fantastic program; seeing these kids, who've seen too much of life's negativities, blossom into confident and happier young people is such an incredible reward.

Our kids in the program come from a range of difficult situations; poverty, foster care, refugees, school refusers, substance abuse, personal abuse. These young people have seen more of the dark side of life than many lucky adults will experience in their whole lifetime. These kids have learned not to trust adults, to only rely on themselves, to disconnect from a society that has harmed them. Through valuable programs like MOOOV, we help them to plug back into the mainstream, and look forward to their own futures. And now, due to a lack of funds, these kids are likely to find themselves back on society's trash heap.

Sadly, mentoring is not a focus for our current government. They're focused on band aid solutions, like Juvenile Justice, but haven't the inclination to look at the source of the wound. So much can be done by helping kids gain the confidence to pull themselves up out of grim situations before they become dire situations that lead to darker cycles.

If you know anyone in government, in companies interested in financially supporting a charity, or in media, please help to promote our excellent cause. Expressions of funding interest, and all communications should be directed to Sue Parkes, Communications Manager at Good Shepherd, on 03 9418 3000.