Monday, July 31, 2006


Things which make my impending trip seem more real:
- I finished my job. Even when I was temping, I always had work for the next week. This week, my work involves packing and goodbyes. Weird.
- My friends have been at family things. Because my family is quite fragmented, I've always celebrated significant events with multiple visits/ dinners/ parties, which meant I'd do a seperate event (or two) with my friends. This weekend I had a family lunch which included some friends. Next weekend I might have some friends at a family bbq. This is also somewhat weird.
- I have put stuff in my suitcase. I am officially packing. And it's scary. Nick got sad (but in a manly fashion).
- I just picked up my ticket. Now I'm really going. Weird. :)

Friday, July 28, 2006

Earthquakes- just like a fun park ride, only crunchy?

So. There's been ANOTHER Indonesian earthquake (but no tsunami, phew). This one was on Pulau Nias (Nias Island), which happens to be just (ok, 125 km) off Sumatera. In fact, it's in Sumatera Utara, the province next to Sumatera Barat, which will be my province. The good news is that there's not too much damage and no injuries reported, so all good. But I think I might have to get used to the idea of the ground not being too stable. I AM going to a country on a fault line...

Today's my last day at beyondblue, so next week will be busy packing and storing and catching up with people. I had a half day off on Wednesday to go to the dentist, and it was really nice to be able to spend the afternoon wandering the city and taking photos. I'll miss Melbourne.

*sigh* It's funny how you can become attached to a workplace so quickly. I've only been here five months, but it's sad to be leaving. It's always the people in a workplace that make it special. *sigh* The CEO gave me chocolates today, how lovely. I've got a feeling this is only the beginning of some tough goodbyes.

Monday, July 24, 2006

A new blog for a new era

OK. I leave the country two weeks from tomorrow. I leave the known world two weeks from tomorrow. I am going to be a traveller. Oooh. I am also, once again, going to be a Superteachy Teacher. Only in another country. Which means everything will be different. Which means I may also be a crap teacher. But let's pretend that possibility does not exist, shall we.

Superteachy- to Indonesia and beyond!